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Professor Geeta Patel: In Conversation

An informal opportunity to listen to Geeta Patel discuss her interdisciplinary research.

This PGR/ECR event is a chance to meet Professor Geeta Patel (Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Virginia) and listen as she discusses her research, which focusses on the themes of decolonisation, gender, sexuality and finances. There will also be an opportunity for a Q&A.

Event details


Geeta Patel is a professor at the University of Virginia. Her first book Lyrical Movements, Historical Hauntings explores the queer semiotics of Urdu modernism through the lyric, biography and historical conditions of production of the poet Miraji. Her next, Risky Bodies &Techno-intimacy brings haphazard science to media, aesthetics, sexuality, finance. She translates voraciously from a roster of languages, writes poetry and has co-edited three journals. Her on-going ventures include: bacteria and genocide, pensions and poetics, physics and literary prose, nationalism and promissory notes.


To register for this event, please complete this short form.

Please note, as spaces are limited, registrations will be taken on a first come, first served basis.

Refreshments including drinks and pizza will be provided.


Geeta Patel will also be delivering a Keynote Lecture on Tuesday 7th November. Details and registration for that event can be found here.


Common Room